Accountants Blog

Gold Coast based tax agent sentenced to 3 years for tax fraud
A Gold Coast-based tax agent has been sent behind the bars for three years after swindling nearly $200,000 from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). She had lodged false BAS without her client’s knowledge and had been tipped off to the ATO. She has been banned for the maximum term of 5 years by the TPB, sentenced to 3 years in jail and ordered to shell out $158,845 in compensation.
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Important end of financial year reporting dates
The end of the financial year can be a busy period for many businesses but it’s essential to lock in the required taxation reporting dates to ensure your business is financially up to date and compliant.
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COVID-19 Business Support Update - 12 May 2020
We’ve put together a few points from the latest COVID-19 business support updates as well as links to places you can get further information if you need it.
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COVID-19 Business Support Update - 8 Apr 2020
With the ever changing government guidelines and assistance, we’ve put together some important information that could be crucial to helping your business survive the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Update as at 8 Apr 2020.
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Surviving an economic downturn
The Coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19, has hit and spread across the world at an alarming rate. It doesn't discriminate, affecting the old, the young, the rich and the poor and the number of infections is rising by the day.And, due to the spread of the virus, a range of industries are being limited, altered or shutdown altogether. So, how do you survive an economic downturn? Continue reading to find out more about how a range of people, including small businesses and individuals can survive as well as possible, as our accounting team offers pragmatic advice so you can continue after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Financial support and business survival in the COVID-19 era
The COVID-19 pandemic (Coronavirus) will affect everyone, young or old, small businesses to large corporations, sole traders to employees. With so much uncertainty it’s hard for the business owner to know what to do or where to turn. The accounting team at Bottom Line Control have some practical advice so your business has every chance of surviving the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Are you fulfilling your tax and superannuation reporting obligations?
Are you fulfilling your tax and superannuation reporting obligations? This is the question that the ATO is asking, and insurers have been asked to provide the ATO with policy details for various lifestyle assets over a particular threshold.
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Important Dates for Single Touch Payroll
We all know that employee tax and superannuation aren't the most exciting things that an employer gets to deal with, but they are very important and crucial for a good working business. The ATO have been looking at this for awhile, and over the last year or so have been overseeing the introduction of Single Touch Payroll for all businesses in Australia. But, what is Single Touch Payroll and what dates are relevant to you?
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