About Us
We are a full service accounting and taxation firm. If you’re starting a business, selling or buying assets, applying for finance, or need a proactive accountant, our firm can help with setting up your business or investment structure, accounting, and taxation.
That Billboard

We’re not all the stereotypical, boring number crunchers we’re sometimes made out to be. When it comes to our clients, we take them and their business very seriously. But when it came to our advertising, we wanted to have some fun with it. Little did we know what would happen next!
‘That’ billboard, which was attached to our initial offices in Coolum Beach has drawn quite a lot of attention!
A few months after its installation, a vandal took offence to the content and painted “Sex Sells, Bottom Line Interlect” across the wall and on the billboard.
They actually managed to spell the word ‘intellect’ incorrectly twice! After the first misspelling, they seemingly went home to get some brick coloured paint, (and maybe looked up the dictionary) then came back and managed to misspell the word again!
The local Coolum newspapers found this newsworthy and reported the event. Anybody who hadn’t heard of our firm, now had!
Furthermore, a photo of the incident was published in The Australian newspaper’s Weekend Australian magazine in December 2010.
After the vandalism, somebody made a formal complaint to the Australian Advertising Standards Board. The AASB ran the complaint through their process and found the billboard to be acceptable.
Almost a year after the billboards installation, a retired Police Chaplain took offence to the bare bottoms and sent us some emails requesting we remove the sign, or put some clothes on the offending bottoms. He also contacted our professional association, The Institute of Public Accountants, and requested they order us to remove the sign. We argued that the AASB found the sign perfectly acceptable, and so it stayed.
The outraged Chaplain contacted the Sunshine Coast Daily who took up the story, running it on the front page, and again on page five the following day.

All the local media then picked up the story and we even received a call from A Current Affair. It was extensively blogged about, and in the end, there was tremendous support for the bottoms.
All this attention has given our firm great brand recognition and we’re almost famous on the Sunshine Coast thanks to ‘that’ billboard!